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Please note that most publications are in Danish. By searching for the category Radiation - Health Physics Textbook you will see excerpts from the book "Health Physics". It was written by several of DD's employees, and the chapters are part of the training of new employees at our company. The book was published in 3rd edition in 2016 and can be purchased online at e.g. (DD's employees do not get any revenue from the sales).

Publications - Search
Title Author Date of publication Summary Link
Annual Report 2017 DD March 13, 2018 Overall, the results of the year, both professional and economic, meet what was expected satisfactorily.
Target and performance plan 2018 DD February 13, 2018 Read about the goals and results DD has committed to achieving in 2018, among other things in relation to removing the internal parts of Danish Reactor 3 and the cleaning of Hot Cells.
Storage solution (30-50 years) for all radioactive waste on Risø COWI for DD December 15, 2017 On the basis of a government proposal for continued intermediate storage of the waste on Risø for up to 50 years, COWI has produced a report with economic calculations for an upgraded storage facility. The report builds on the 2016 intermediate-storage studies.
Environmental engineering studies in ore piles NIRAS for DD November 8, 2017 Note describing the results of NIRAS' supplementary environmental engineering studies of soil and groundwater at the piles of uranium ore located on Risø.
Note on the specific waste Per Hedemann Jensen, DD November 1, 2017 On the classification of the 233 kg "special waste" – on the basis of radioactive content, burn-out and heat development. Published 1 january 2013; this is the 2nd slightly revised version.
Radon leakage from Kvanefjeld ore Per Hedemann Jensen, DD June 7, 2017 Note on the radon leak from the uranium ore located on Risø and the spread of radon into the atmosphere.
Health and safety statement 2016 Lars Høj, DD March 24, 2017 Read about the stakes and results DD achieved in 2016 in terms of maintaining a good work environment . Also read about the particularly challenging project Hot Cells.
Annual Report 2016 DD March 13, 2017 The results for the year, both professional and economic, are assessed satisfactorily in relation to the resources used and repriorities during the year.
Target and performance plan 2017 DD March 12, 2017 Read about the goals and results DD committed to achieve in 2017. These include the dismantling of the internal parts of Danish Reactor 3 and the cleaning of Hot Cells.
Decommissioning dr 3's primary cooling circuit in the heavy water space Kirsten Hjerrild Nielsen, DD February 8, 2017 This final report describes the decommissioning of the primary coolant circuit (the part located inside the heavy water compartment) of reactor DR 3.
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