Textbook Health Physics, Chapter 15: Consequences of radioactive releases |
Per Hedemann Jensen et al., DD |
15 September 2010 |
Describes models for calculating radiation doses from atmospheric releases of radioactive substances from nuclear installations, both from operation and from possible accidents. |
Textbook Health Physics, Chapter 16: Accidental Exposure |
Per Hedemann Jensen et al., DD |
15 September 2010 |
Summary. Describes how work with radioactive substances and "radiation machines" can cause accidental exposures leading to deterministic radiation damage. Different methods of dose determination after exposure to large external and internal doses are reviewed. |
Dismantling the internal parts of research reactor DR 3; radiation fields |
Per Hedemann Jensen and Jens Søgaard-Hansen, DD |
15 September 2010 |
A catalogue of radiation fields in the internal parts of reactor DR 3 - the top shield ring, the reactor tank, the graphite reflector and the inner and outer steel tanks. |
The troublesome life of peaceful atoms in Denmark |
Henrik Nielsen, Henrik Knudsen |
2 June 2010 |
The story of Risø's metamorphosis from atomic energy research facility to a national laboratory, doing research and development into a broad range of alternative energy sources. |
Semiconductor materials from reactors - an innovation story |
Henrik Knudsen |
19 March 2010 |
History of the emergence of neutron detection technology in Denmark and how a unique interaction between a private company and a public research environment (Risø) evolved to hold a 1/3 share of the world market. |
Annual Report 2009 |
DD |
10 March 2010 |
DD has met most of the performance requirements and the use of resources has corresponded satisfactorily to the results achieved. |
Textbook Health Physics: Formula Collection |
Per Hedemann Jensen et al., DD |
1 January 2010 |
The formula collection for the textbook Health Physics includes formulas from all 16 chapters of the textbook. Each formula is accompanied by a descriptive text. |
Decommissioning of DR 2: Lessons from implementation |
Niels Strufe, DD |
15 October 2009 |
The report describes lessons learned in planning and managing the project, execution methods, material categories and specific tools. |
Decommissioning of DR 2 |
Niels Strufe, DD |
13 February 2009 |
This final report describes the work of dismantling and demolishing reactor DR 2, the waste volumes generated, the health physical conditions and the clearance procedures. |
Decommissioning of DR 2 |
Niels Strufe, DD |
13 February 2009 |
The final report describes the dismantling and decommissioning of the DR 2 reactor, the quantities of waste generated, the health and safety conditions and the release procedures applied. |