01 Mar Director continues
Ole Kastbjerg Nielsen has been reappointed as DD's Director in a new one-year appointment.
Ole Kastbjerg Nielsen has been reappointed as DD's Director in a new one-year appointment.
Danish Decommissioning has gained two trained health physicists at the start of 2017. Mikkel Øberg and Quang Le have completed the one-year in-house training.
Operations manager Kenn-Ulrik Brix Sørensen must be said to have moved some distance away from what a trained engineer normally does
It's the last day before the holidays - and a somewhat sad time for laundry assistants Jette Danielsen and Winnie Andersen. Danish Decommissioning is a organisation that must gradually close itself down, and that goes for the laundry too. After the holidays, Jette Danielsen will be left alone to sort out her colleagues' work clothes.
Who takes Denmark's radioactive garbage? This question is put to Roskilde Municipality in a debate at the People's Meeting - and DD helps with facts.
At the waste treatment plant, a violent hum that required earplugs has been replaced by a gentler buzz. And a chapter in Risø's history has just been closed.
Read about the efforts and achievements of DD in 2015 in both the physical and mental work environment.
The two major decommissioning projects - Danish Reactor 3 and the Hot Cell plant - are well under way.
Danish Decommissioning has signed a contract with COWI A/S as part of the preparatory work for a political decision on what to do with the radioactive waste.
The objectives and results plan for 2016 is now ready.