Shrouded in radiation

Radioactivity is a natural part of all people's lives, but few people know what it really is for a size. Mikkel Øberg, health physicist in DD , to correct – among other things, by having joined the "Science visit" course this year.

M With "Science on The Visit,"the nationwide Science Festival offers all schools visits from researchers, students, professionals and others working in science, technology and health. At this year's festival, two of the schools had chosen to book Mikkel Øberg and his presentation on a "World shrouded in radioactivity and radiation".

The paper focused on the radiation that is all around us – from food, water and man himself to cosmic radiation and medical studies. Through simple measurement experiments and an entertaining quiz, the students at the schools in Nivå and Kongens Lyngby got to know the three basic types of radiation and what radiation does to the human body.

For Mikkel Øberg, communicating to the public about radiation is an essential part of the job:
"There are so many prejudices and misconcepts about radioactivity. I would rather run in the hope of getting people to reflect on the subject and maybe even seek more information myself," the health physicist said.

Read more at about, among other things, "Science visiting".

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