Aug 21 On the way to a new storage facility
The first steps have been taken towards the construction of a new, upgraded storage facility on Risø for radioactive waste. The construction stems from the Folketing's decision of May 2018 to extend a temporary storage of the waste until at least 2073.
DDanish Decommissioning has been working since last year to specify the technical requirements for a replacement for the current storage facilities. To ensure safe storage, some of the requirements are that the new building is flood-proof and climate-controlled, can accommodate all waste and has a clear height that allows the use of indoor cranes.
In the initial phase of the construction project, Danish Decommissioning has engaged the firms Emcon and BM Arkitekter as client advisors. They are assisting in two important processes, the preparation of a local plan and an environmental assessment.
Roskilde Municipality is a planning authority. On Thursday 22 August, the Planning and Engineering Committee will discuss a proposal for the local plan. See the material for paragraph 130 of the meeting.
At the end of September, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will receive an application for an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) together with a consultation leaflet. This process has also officially started.
Danish Decommissioning proposes a building area of 6,000-10,000 square metres and a building height of up to 15 metres above ground level. Two possible locations of the building field have been identified. Later this year, an open house will be organised for all interested parties in the context of the local plan and EIA process.
The task of full service adviser construction will be offered before the end of the year.