28 apr We receive waste again
After almost five months of closure of DD, some radioactive waste has been piled up around the country. Therefore, from 4 May we will again receive waste.
Due to the closure of the government sites, since 9 December 2020 it has only been possible to deliver radioactive waste to Danish Decommissioning in emergency situations. In order to avoid a major build-up of waste, we will reopen for collection from 4 May, even if the rest of our operations remain closed.
From Tuesday 4 May, the normal opening hours for waste collection will apply: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:00. However, please note that collection always requires prior agreement with us.
Customers who have already reported their waste can contact us on 2272 6358 to agree on the transfer. Likewise, you can call the same number for questions in general.