Apr 29 Proposal for new storage facility ready
For just over a year, a large project organisation has been working on plans for a new, upgraded storage facility for the radioactive waste on Risø. The effort has now resulted in a detailed project proposal.
Until 2073 at the latest,radioactive waste will be stored in two buildings: the main storage facility and a smaller one storage facility with natural ventilation for uranium ore and the so-called tailings. The buildings will be located in the north-western corner of Risø and the whole area will be surrounded by a security fence with a gate guard. This will ensure access control regardless of any future changes to general access to the peninsula.
This is the first time in many years that such a large nuclear plant has been built in Denmark, which has made it a demanding and complicated project. Many authorities are involved, and at the same time the neighbours both on Risø and in the rest of the local area must be taken into account. Intensive work is therefore being done to ensure that the requirements of nuclear regulators, among others, are met.
Once the part relating to the nuclear regulators is in place, further work needs to be done on the assessment of the environmental impact of the project. This work started in autumn 2019 (see the Environmental Protection Agency's website). Work is also continuing on a local plan for the area; here roskilde municipality is planning authority.
In addition to the ongoing dialogue with the authorities involved, the project is regularly discussed in Kontaktforum Roskilde, where the project's main stakeholders are represented. The focus here is on the visual impact and integration of buildings into the surroundings. At the last meeting on 22 March, when the project description was ready, the members of the Contact Forum were able to present the intended exterior design of the buildings – see this presentation of the proposal. All material for Contact Forum meetings can also be found on the Websiteof the Ministry of Education and Research.
We expect the project to be completed by 2025.
Facts about the project
The project proposal comprises three buildings:
- The main storage facility with a built-up area of 8736 m2 (70 x 121 meters) and a height of 16.6 meters above ground
- Cold barn for storing ore and tailings, with a built-up area of 1189 m2 (21 x 56 meters) and a height of 13 meters above ground
- Gatekeeper with a built-up area of 194 m2 (9 x 21 meters) and a height of 5 meters above ground
Project organisation:
- Builder: Danish Decommissioning
- Client advisors: Emcon and sub-consultant BM Arkitekter
- full service adviser : MOE and sub-consultants Christensen &co Arkitekter and Langebæk A/S