Mar 05 Difficult cutting operation in DR3
Danish Decommissioning had teamed up with Jan Sjöholm from 'Extrem Borr & Sågteknik AB' in Sweden, when the bearing holes from the top shelf in DR3 had to be removed.
Thisrequired special tools as the bearing holes had to be cut out of the top plate of DR3. That's why Danish Decommissioning had teamed up with Jan Sjöholm from 'Extrem Borr & Sägteknik AB'. Jan is a specialist in performing complicated drilling and cutting tasks.
The operation itself took one day, and Jan used an extended grinder to cut the holes free. Additional point extraction and active ventilation were established for the work. There was a little bit of contamination in some of the holes, but there was no activation as there have never been neutron sources in the storage holes.
The cut-off is part of the preparation for the further work of breaking down the storage block so that it will align with the master plan. The next step is to remove the ball concrete so that you can remove the top plate. Then you can break down the rest of the concrete.