Health and safety at work 2020

Read the statement on the stakes and results DD has reached in a year that was strongly characterized by corona closures and restrictions.

U In addition to the conventional work environment in the DD we are also working with materials that emit ionising radiation or are radioactively contaminated.

However, in 2020 it became a more unexpected leg span that came to fill work environment front. Due to corona/covid-19, the employees ended up being repatriated approximately four months of the year, which especially for the group of craftsmen meant that it was not possible to solve the daily tasks. The time between the two repatriation periods was also marked by partially absent colleagues, various restrictions and changed routines. The 2020 Health and Safety Statement describes the actions DD to address such an extraordinary situation that has challenged the well-being of employees.

In relation to radiation and nuclear safety, the conclusion of the Health and Safety Statement is that it has also been satisfactory in 2020. The individual radiation doses to staff have all been below the permitted annual dose limits and the dose bindings set. All releases of radioactive substances into the environment from DD The nuclear installations have been below the reporting and emission limits set by the authorities. There have been no incidents that could otherwise affect the surroundings.

Compared to the conventional work environment the overall result in 2020 is less satisfactory, as the target of zero accidents at work was not achieved.
Read the full Health and Safety Statement 2020

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