Waste reception upgraded and reopened

Customers who have previously reported waste for submission are asked to contact us again to agree on the date and time of submission.

After a few months of closure, we will reopen on Tuesday 2 November to receive waste from the country's radioactive material users. If you have previously declared radioactive waste that you wish to hand in, please contact us on tel. 2272 6358 (weekdays 9 am - 3 pm) to make a concrete agreement on the hand-in. Please have the four-digit notification ID or the notification date ready when you contact us.

The delivery of the waste can - by appointment - usually take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10:00 and 13:00. However, exceptionally and by special agreement, this may be waived.

That's why we're closed
The closure period has been spent on a necessary upgrade of the existing reception facilities due to new legislation in the field of radiation protection. The upgrade has included a coating of the reception floors and a redesign of the receceiving station. In addition, a new storage facility has been set up in two existing buildings, part of which will be used as a decay store.

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