Is borehole a possible solution for the special waste?

New report highlights opportunities and economics of a multinational borehole solution for Denmark's most radioactive waste.

Since 2012,DDanish Decommissioning has participated in the international ERDO collaboration, in which eight, mainly smaller European countries are jointly exploring options and constraints for multinational disposal of mainly long-lived radioactive waste and for joint solutions for its pre-treatment.

Our Norwegian sister organisation, Norsk Nukleær Dekommisjonering (NND), has initiated a project on behalf of ERDO to explore to what extent a common borehole for high-level and long-lived intermediate-level waste could be a possibility.

As part of the project, the US firm Deep Isolation has prepared a report describing a possible joint borehole solution for the five ERDO members Croatia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Norway and Denmark, and the economics of such a solution.

"Parliamentary Resolution B90/2018 opens up the possibility of finding separate solutions for the various fractions of Denmark's radioactive waste and also mentions that efforts to find an international solution for special waste must continue. So the current project is of great interest to us, as a borehole could be an option for that particular part of the waste," says DD's director Ole Kastbjerg Nielsen, who emphasises, however, that at this early stage no decision has been made on which concepts to work with further in the process towards a Danish repository, and that the borehole report is just one of many inputs for further work.

Read the Deep Isolation report on the NND website
Read the news on Deep Isolation's website about the report
Read more about the ERDO collaboration

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