A new step towards a long-term solution

With the publication by GEUS of nine reports on the geology of Denmark at a depth of 500 metres, the work of finding a final repository for Denmark's radioactive waste is entering a new phase.

The National Geological Surveys for Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) was given the task by Parliamentary Decision B 90 in 2018 to identify areas in Denmark where the subsurface may be suitable for the disposal of radioactive waste at a depth of around 500 metres.

In the first phase of the project, GEUS carried out a geological characterisation and evaluation of the entire Danish subsurface based on a number of criteria. The results, now published in nine reports, show that there are large areas in Denmark where further investigations are expected to identify sites with favourable geological characteristics that meet the requirements of the Danish Parliament and international guidelines.

The reports provide the geological input for the selection of two sites where detailed geological investigations will be carried out in the next phase of the project. The two sites will be selected through a dialogue process that Ministry of Higher Education and Science will conduct with the municipalities.

Danish Decommissioning will contribute to the process with expertise on the waste, possible concepts for a final repository, safety assessments, etc.

Read the GEUS news about the nine reports
Read the Ministry of Education and Research's news on the next steps in the process

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