29 Mar Working environment 2022
Find out more about Danish Decommissioning efforts in terms of health and safety at work and the results achieved for 2022 in this area
DanishDecommissioning (DD) is in many ways a complex workplace, both in relation to the employees' competencies and functions, but also in relation to the working environment.
As described in the foreword to the Health and Safety Report 2022:
"Danish Decommissioning is a workplace with many different groups of employees, each with their own specialized responsibilities. The work functions cover a wide range of areas. From traditional office work to craftsmen working on decommissioning or operational tasks. In addition, there are some specialized functions such as health assistants and health physicists. The work on safety and working environment conditions is therefore also wide-ranging and must take into account all potential risks." - Working Environment Report 2022, p. 4.
Conclusions of the report
The 2022 Health and Safety Report describes the actions, both strategic and more practical, that DD has taken to optimize the working environment.
At the same time, the report concludes on the set goals for the working environment for 2022 and although several initiatives have been taken and targeted work has been done on the working environment, including safety, we must unfortunately note that the goal of no accidents at work was not achieved.
There have been 5 occupational accidents of different nature in DD in 2022, where in 2021 there was only 1 occupational accident. Here, however, it is important to keep in mind that a large part of DD's employees were sent home for large parts of 2021, so a real comparison is not possible.
The nature and extent of the 5 accidents at work are described in the report:
"Of these, one accident resulted in long-term absence, while the other four accidents did not result in absence beyond the day of the accident". - Working Environment Report 2022, p. 15.
With regard to radiation and nuclear safety, the conclusion of the health and safety report is that in 2022 it has been satisfactory. The individual radiation doses to staff have all been below the authorized annual dose limits and the established dose constraints.
Again this year, there have been no releases of radioactive substances to the environment from nuclear installations.
Nor have there been any other incidents that could have an impact on the environment.