In the process of reopening

Over the past month, Danish Decommissioning has been gradually reopening after we, as a government enterprise, had everything but emergency and critical functions shut down since 9 December.

I For almost five months, the country's users of radioactive materials had only been able to deliver their radioactive waste in emergency situations, but from 4 May we reopened our waste reception. The employees on selected projects and assignments have been able to show up since 25 May, as we currently have to comply with a restriction on a maximum of 20 percent attendance. On June 14, the limit rises to 50 percent attendance, so from that date all employees will be able to show up, but still with a degree of homework for those who can solve tasks from home. We expect a full normalization of attendance from August 1st.

We are now resuming work towards the targets set out in our 2021 target and performance plan. However, the plan was drawn up in autumn 2020 and thus does not take into account that all tasks requiring physical presence have been put on hold for up to six months.

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