Mar 05 Difficult cutting operation in DR3
Danish Decommissioning had teamed up with Jan Sjöholm from 'Extrem Borr & Sågteknik AB' in Sweden, when the bearing holes from the top shelf in DR3 had to be removed.
Danish Decommissioning had teamed up with Jan Sjöholm from 'Extrem Borr & Sågteknik AB' in Sweden, when the bearing holes from the top shelf in DR3 had to be removed.
By the end of 2012, Danish Decommissioning could tick off two major milestones.
After the last part of the 27 meter long conveyor channel was removed from the Hot Cell facility, the focus is on the next major stage; sandblasting of cell walls and floors via remote controlled equipment.
On 15 May, DD celebrate that an internal milestone was crossed when the last rig was selected by DR 3. It was a historic day for the technical crew, who were riding the lead-lined horizontal transport bottle for the last time.
DD has been busy this year with three major projects and a number of smaller tasks. There has been both momentum in the projects and teasing with procurement, and sometimes thinking outside the box to solve the tasks.
DDIn June, the expert panel will comment on the project description for the decommissioning of the DR 3 reactor, after which approval will be sought from the authorities and a dossier prepared for the Finance Committee of Parliament.
With the dismantling of the physics exhibition "horizontal silicon" on research reactor DR 3, one of the important milestones of the year was achieved. The first deck is now completely cleared of pipes, wires and experimental set-ups.
"Hot Spots" are small highly radioactive objects dropped on tables and floors during operation. They are removed to reduce the overall radiation level in the waste that will result from the sandblasting of the concrete cells.
The three main projects this year are the sandblasting of the six concrete cells of the Hot Cell plant, the dismantling of the DR 3 peripheral systems and the planning of the decommissioning of the reactor block, as well as preliminary studies for the final repository for low and intermediate level waste.