Feb 10 COWI assists with medium-storage studies
Danish Decommissioning has signed a contract with COWI A/S as part of the preparatory work for a political decision on what to do with the radioactive waste.
Danish Decommissioning has signed a contract with COWI A/S as part of the preparatory work for a political decision on what to do with the radioactive waste.
At Danish Decommissioning , we are constantly working to minimise the volume of waste that needs to be landfilled in the future. A new initiative is an agreement with the highly specialised Swedish company Studsvik to incinerate the combustible part of the waste.
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (SUM) has, in cooperation with DD and GEUS answered questions from German researcher Gerhard Schmidt from the Öko-Institut.
The political parties have today decided that we should proceed with the possibility of setting up an intermediate storage facility.
Today DR P4 Bornholm writes that Danish Decommissioning will not discuss nuclear waste technology in public. For the record, we must point out that this is not correct.
On 27 February, Danish Decommissioning received a visit from the Danish Parliament. 12 politicians, members of the Health and Prevention Committee and the Environment Committee respectively, visited DD to hear about Denmark's radioactive waste. They were given a tour of the interim storage facilities for Denmark's radioactive waste.
As a follow-up to the November 2012 agreement between the Minister for Health and Prevention and the political parties to assess the intermediate storage option, a decision-making basis has been prepared.
Danish Decommissioning is dismantling experimental reactors and other nuclear installations on Risø. Part of our task is to deal with radioactive waste, and a small part of the total is "special waste".
Danish Decommissioning has been granted DKK 1.1 million to prepare a decision-making basis for the Danish Parliament regarding the establishment of a Danish interim storage facility for low- and intermediate-level waste. This will be done in cooperation with GEUS and the Danish Radiation Protection Institute (SIS).
GEUS has now submitted the results of the surrounding studies carried out in five municipalities with a view to finding the most suitable place for storing the radioactive waste.